Digital Business Automation Forum on 24 May 2018

Time Topic
08:30 am - 09:00 am Registration
09:00 am - 09:10 am Welcome Address
09:10 am - 09:30 am
Keynote: The Human-Machine Interchange. How intelligent automation is changing
the way businesses operate
Machine learning is beginning to transform the way businesses organize their operations and benefit
from technology investments. And intelligent automation –the use of machines that understand their
environments, interact with humans and other machines, learn from these experiences and apply what
they learn to future decisions –provides the foundation for this change. But realizing the value of this
transformation requires more than technology investment. Companies must train employees to work
with machines in new ways and redesign business processes to optimize them for automation. Some
industries are highly advanced in their use of intelligent automation. In other industries, adoption is
more tenuous.
09:30 am - 10:15 am
Digital Business Automation Platform: Starting Point for your business
Leverage business automation to your business advantage. Do more with less by automating,
augmenting or enhancing all your critical processes and business decisions.
Demo: IBM Automation Platform for Digital Business
10:15 am - 10:30 am Coffee Break
10:30 am - 11:15 am
Robotic Process Automation: Using SW Robots as your Digital Workforce
Robotic Process Automation enables companies to easily automate repetitive "Tasks" like information
retrieval and copying from applications or databases in order to free up employees to perform higher
value work. This is done using robotic software bots. However, RPA alone will not meet your
automation needs and obtain greatest value from software robots for work. You need to maximize the
benefits of remixing human work with Task based bots by combining RPA for Task automation with
Workflows, Decision and Data Capture capability. Join this session to understand how you can
􀁸 Build a Platform for the Future of Automated Digital Labour
􀁸 Coordinate and orchestrate tasks in workflows
􀁸 Make SW Robots Smarter with Business Decisions
􀁸 Make Robots more productive
Demo: IBM RPA: How to Build a Robot
11:15 am - 11:30 am
Closing Remarks
11:30 am - 01:00 pm
Networking Lunch

